What is a wellness exam and why is it important?
Wellness exams are important because they're a way of helping us figure out or uncover hidden health issues. Usually, they're done before a routine vaccination or routine test such as a blood test or routine lab work. Sometimes they're done right before anesthesia, just to make sure, to the best of our ability, that we don't have any health problems.
What does a wellness exam consist of and what will a veterinarian do to my dog during a wellness exam?
The exam consists of checking the major organ systems, such as listening to the heart and lungs, checking the lymph nodes to make sure there are no abnormalities in size or shape, checking the ears for infection or inflammation, and examining the eyes for any abnormalities. We also check the teeth and gums, as dental disease is very prevalent in pets. We evaluate their skin, feel their abdomen for any abnormalities in organ size or discomfort, check the animal's weight, and guide you to the best diet for your pet to help keep them going strong as long as possible.
How often should I bring my dog in for a wellness exam?
We recommend wellness exams at least every six months because pets age faster than you and I. Examining them every six months is like you and I going to our doctor about every three or three and a half years, so it's really not that often considering how fast pets age.
What happens if the veterinarian finds something abnormal during a wellness exam?
An abnormality is an opportunity to discuss options for next steps. Sometimes the next steps may be monitoring, obtaining lab samples, or a referral to a specialist, depending on the problem.
How can I prepare my dog for a wellness exam?
There's not much to do other than getting your pet used to being handled, such as having their ears and feet handled. This should start when the animal is young. Ensure the pet is well socialized with people, so they aren't afraid to come in. If an animal is afraid to come in, we have lots of options to make the visit as fear-free as possible, which may include a quiet exam room or pre-visit medications to lower anxiety.
Are there any specific questions I should ask my veterinarian during the wellness exam?
We're all ears and ready to hear any questions you may have about your pet's health. Great questions include asking about what you can do at home to keep your pet as healthy as possible, in addition to the care we provide.
If you have questions, we would love to answer them for you. Please give us a call at the office at (417) 866-2923, or you can email us at [email protected]. Our staff would love to talk with you!
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